jiji! (she/her)

gay horror-comedy enthusiast / accessibility advocate / aspiring voice actor / further left than youpreviously: video game QA @ activision & SM/union organizing member of ABetterABK | currently: open for workblocked?

art by @stineamite!
  • playstation network: jijitters

  • battlenet: oujiji#1497

  • switch: sw-7063-6963-0612

  • pocket camp: 3270 6228 146

  • art of reindeer!jiji by stine!

i block freely if you fit any of these categories!

  • twt blue check (unless you're an artist, celebrity, entertainment industry professional, or content creator - i.e. people who would've actually earned verification when it had meaning)

  • conservative / republican / libertarian / centrist / politically ""neutral""

  • tech bros / NFT or eth / AI users / supporters of AI art / anti-humanities

  • paid astrology / "healing" / wellness / spirituality / any other woo-woo content

  • you express bigotry of any kind, whether homophobic, racist, transphobic, ableist, misogynist / including microaggressions

  • you think misandry is a real problem / you think "racism" against white people is a real problem / you think heterophobia is a real problem / you think "cis" is a slur

  • gamer-gaters / you complained about SBI at all / you think gaming is a space for men / you think bullying and abuse over voice chat is acceptable

  • you are or ever have been a cop or in the military (or you support either of those groups in any capacity)

  • you enjoy content (real or fictional) that depicts relationships between adults and minors, sexualization of children, anything non-consensual, or incest

  • usage of slurs, regardless of whether they apply to you (personal discomfort)

  • religion/god/scripture is mentioned in your bio or username / you reference god as if it's a real person (i'm anti-theist)

  • you comment on people's ages as a means of shaming them / you think 30 is "old"

  • you have reductive and misogynistic views on reproductive health / you are anti-choice or 'pro-life' / you think it's a woman's "job" to have and raise children / you're a natalist / you think breeding is important or that natural population decline is a "problem" you need to fix

  • you express hatred of any animals, especially wrt pets (e.g. if you think dogs are "gross" and shouldn't be on the furniture etc i think you're cruel)

  • you describe yourself as a "hater," you think making fun of people/harmless things is fun or funny / you're a mean girl or bully / you're anti-social and tend to hate most people/things

  • you're a "devil's advocate" or chronic debater / you complain about "echo chambers" (which usually just means your beliefs are offensive garbage that anyone decent shuns for good reason)

  • and just because i want peace: sometimes i'll block if you dislike something i really like, or if you love something i want to avoid seeing, because we all have a right to curate our social media timelines to suit our own personal preferences <3